The actualized draft of the Law for the housing condominium is ready

The actualized draft of the Law for the housing condominium is ready

04 Nov 2007 | 23:15
MRDPW experts finished the work on the draft of the Law for the housing condominium. The necessity of a new Law is due to the unclear regulation of the housing condominium, which results in bad management and maintenance of the housing stock. The new Law will regulate the registration of a juridical person representing the condominium and the organs eligible to represent it. The draft envisages the formation of a Union of the owners for management of the common parts of the buildings and lodging houses in the condominium. The draft regulates all rights and obligations of the owners of individual parts of the building on the management and maintenance of the common parts of the buildings, as well as the sanctions and the property distribution between the owners of the condominium. Suggestions on the draft Law for the housing condominium management can be emailed to Public Relations and International Activities Directorate