The application for energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings has started
The application for energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings has started
By Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works has officially published the approved Guidelines for applications under the procedure “Support for Sustainable Energy Renovation of the Residential Building Stock - Phase I”, funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The procedure is now open and all interested owners of multi-family residential buildings that are managed under the Condominium Management Act can start preparing documents and submitting them through the municipal/district administrations.
The total amount of funds for this procedure is BGN 1 129 881 600 including VAT. All multi-family residential buildings that are managed under the Condominium Management Act (CMA) and were designed before 26 April 1999 are eligible. Approved buildings will receive up to 100% grant assistance. The main objective of the program is to improve the energy performance of residential buildings, achieve energy consumption class “B” of multi-family residential buildings, reduce the country’s energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions; achieve 30% primary energy savings for each site in the residential building stock, reduce energy poverty by reducing energy costs, improve living conditions and quality of life through technological renovation and modernization of the building stock, etc.
Currently, only 7% of the area of occupied residential buildings (built after 2010 and renovated) complies with modern energy efficiency requirements. According to the review of the non-renovated residential buildings by energy performance and energy consumption, 90% of the non-renovated buildings are characterised by the worst energy performance, with energy consumption classes E, F and G.
The Guidelines for applications are published on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, section “Projects under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”, section “Procedures under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”, subsection “Procedures open for applications”, Guidelines for applications under procedure BG-RRP-4.023 “Support for sustainable energy renovation of the housing stock - stage I”, as well as on the portal of the Information System for Management and Monitoring 2020:
The deadline for applications under this procedure is 31.05.2023.
After the completion of this first stage, the reception of projects under the second stage of the sub-measure “Support for sustainable energy renovation of housing stock” will start. In the second stage, the grant will be 80% of the eligible costs. It will start after the end of this procedure and the application will close on 31.12.2023.