The report on Bulgaria’s participation in the World City Forum in Abu Dhabi, UAE was approved

The report on Bulgaria’s participation in the World City Forum in Abu Dhabi, UAE was approved

25 Mar 2020 | 14:03

The Council of Ministers approved the report on Bulgaria’s participation in the World City Forum, which took place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, from 8 to 13 February 2020.

The Forum is held every two years and provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss and engage in the implementation of specific decisions regarding the UN New Urban Agenda commitments: sustainable urban development for social inclusion and poverty eradication; sustainable and inclusive urban prosperity and opportunities for all; environmentally sustainable and flexible urban development. The theme of this year’s Forum was “Cities of Opportunity: Connecting Culture and Innovation” and it was attended by over 13,000 representatives from nearly 170 countries at the level of national leaders, ministers, UN representatives, women’s groups, mayors, youth, academics, diplomats, community and business leaders, parliamentarians, local government, city activists, etc.

Our country reaffirmed its support for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and is committed to continuing its efforts and actions to implement it as a tool that enables cities to turn global challenges into opportunities. More needs to be done to achieve balanced territorial development through an integrated investment approach. This will ensure funding and better development of smaller and peripheral settlements in order to reduce negative demographic trends and increase their economic competitiveness, as well as sustainable and balanced growth in all regions.

Bulgaria was invited to present its specific experience in two sessions of the event: one dedicated to financing sustainable urban development, and the other to discuss sustainable development, innovative multifamily housing management, and the development and implementation of housing strategies. The Bulgarian experience and results from the implementation of energy efficiency programmes of multifamily residential buildings in the country was presented before participants from nearly 20 countries.

The 10th World Urban Forum concluded with the announcement of the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions, involving commitments from international organisations, national, local and regional governments, the private sector, civil society, academia and others for the coming years in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
