“Balkan – Mediterranean” 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Programme - Priority axes

Priority Axis 1 “Entrepreneurship and innovation”

Specific objective (SO) 1.1 “Competitive territories: stimulating business performance and extroversion through transnational linkages, clusters and networks”;

SO 1.2 “Innovative territories: unleashing territorial potential to improve the transnational innovation capacity in the business sector”;

SO 1.3 “Territories of knowledge: entrepreneurial learning and knowledge transfer for more competitive SMEs”.

Priority Axis 2 “Environment”

SO 2.1 “Biodiversity: taking on the transnational challenge by promoting ecological connectivity and transnational ecosystems’ integration”;

SO 2.2 “Sustainable territories: fostering transnational cooperation for resource efficiency and climate change resilience”;

SO 2.3 “Delivery of environmental legal framework: improving transnational government capacities”.