- Ministry
- Veselina Terziyska Yura Vitanova
Public Counsel Counsel of regional politic Consultative councel Expert Consultative Council on Geo-proectionExpert and consultative councils
- Infrastructure and programmes
- Financial instruments News Aims Range Priority axes Budget Beneficiaries Contact persons Files
- INTERREG VІ-А IPA Bulgaria-Serbia 2021-2027 INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria - North Macedonia 2021-2027 INTERREG VІ-А IPA Bulgaria-Turkey 2021-2027 INTERREG VI-A Greece-Bulgaria 2021-2027 INTERREG VI-A Romania-Bulgaria 2021-2027 programme Danube Region Programme 2021-2027 INTERREG Euro-Mediterranean Programme (EURO MED) 2021-2027 INTERREG Europe VI-C Cooperation Programme 2021-2027 INTERREG "NEXT Black Sea Basin" 2021-2027 INTERREG VI-C URBACT IV 2021-2027 Programme ESPON 2030 Cooperation Programme INTERACT IV 2021-2027
- INTERREG-IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia Programme 2014-2020 INTERREG-IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey Programme 2014-2020 INTERREG-IPA CBC Bulgaria – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Programme 2014-2020 INTERREG V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 INTERREG V-A Greece – Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 “Danube” 2014-2020 transnational cooperation programme “Balkan – Mediterranean” 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Programme “Interreg Europe” 2014 – 2020 Interregional Cooperation Programme ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme INTERACT III 2014-2020 Interregional Cooperation Programme URBACT III Interregional Cooperation Programme Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020
- Project for the development of the municipal infrastructure Reduction of the unaccounted water resources Useful information and news
- Administrative-spatial planning and decentralization
- Regional development
South Central Region South-East region South –West Region North Central Region North-East region North-West RegionSocial-economic profile
Documents Draft documents Surveillance and assessment Methodological directionsStrategic planning
Territorial scope Regional development councils Reports, research and projectsRange, advice for development and research
- Energy efficiency
- Housing policy
- Acts
- Registers
ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme - Beneficiaries
The programme envisages a Single Beneficiary that submits after the invitation by the ESPON MC Operation Proposals with reference to the Operation Specifications decided by the ESPON MC. ESPON EGTC including an Assembly composed by the three Belgian regions of Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels Capital, as well as Luxembourg, plays the role of the single beneficiary of the programme.