“Danube” 2014-2020 transnational cooperation programme - Priority axes
Priority axis 1 “Innovative and socially responsible Danube region”
Specific objective 1.1 “Improve framework conditions for innovation”
Specific objective 1.2 “Increase competences for business and social innovation”
Priority axis 2 “Environment and culture responsible Danube region”
Specific objective 2.1 “Strengthen transnational water management and flood risk prevention”
Specific objective 2.2 “Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources”
Specific objective 2.3 “Foster the restoration and management of ecological corridors”
Specific objective 2.4 “Improve preparedness for environmental risk management”
Priority axis 3 “Better connected and energy responsible Danube region”
Specific objective 3.1 “Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas”
Specific objective 3.2 “Improve energy security and energy efficiency”
Priority axis 4 “Well-governed Danube region”
Specific objective 4.1 “Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges”
Specific objective 4.2 “Support to the governance and implementation of the EUSDR”