INTERREG V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 - Budget
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The total budget of the Programme is EUR 258 504 126 (out of which EUR 215 745 513 ERDF). The projects are financed as follows: 85% ERDF, 13% state (Romania and Bulgaria) co-financing and 2% own contribution.
Priority axis |
Total funding (€) |
Distribution between PAs (%) |
PA 1 “A well connected region” |
96 450 935 |
38 |
PA 2 “A green region” |
63 454 562 |
25 |
PA 3 “A safe region” |
48 225 467 |
19 |
PA 4 “A skilled and inclusive region” |
17 767 278 |
7 |
PA 5 “An efficient region” |
12 690 913 |
5 |
PA 6 Technical Assistance |
19 914 970 |
6 |
Total |
258 504 125 |
100 |