INTERREG V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 - Priority axes
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Priority axis 1“A well connected region”
- SO1.1 - Improve the planning, development and coordination of cross-border transport
systems for better connections to TEN-T transport networks
- SO1.2 - Increase transport safety on waterways and maritime transport routes
Priority axis 2: “A green region”
- SO2.1 - To improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural
- SO2.2 - To enhance the sustainable management of the ecosystems from the cross-border area
Priority axis 3: “A safe region”,
- SO3.1 - To improve joint risk management in the cross-border area
Priority axis 4: “A skilled and inclusive region”
- SO4.1 - To encourage the integration of the cross-border area in terms of employment and labour mobility
Priority axis 5: “An efficient region”
- SO5.1 - To increase cooperation capacity and the efficiency of public institutions in a
CBC context
Priority axis 6: Technical Assistance