INTERREG Europe VI-C Cooperation Programme 2021-2027 - Programme bodies
The Managing Authority of the programme is the Hauts-de-France Regional Council, France.
The Audit Authority of the programme is the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordination of Control in France. A group of auditors to the Audit Authority with the participation of representatives of the Executive Agency "Audit of EU funds" from Bulgaria.
Participating countries nominate national bodies whose main functions are mainly aimed at ensuring the control systems of the costs incurred by the relevant beneficiaries and the conclusion of contracts for national co-financing with the partners for the projects approved for financing and making payments on them.
The National Authority for the Republic of Bulgaria is the "Territorial Cooperation Management" Directorate of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW).
Monitoring Committee: Main decision-making body. Its main task is to ensure the quality and efficient implementation of the programme, including the approval of financing projects. It consists of representatives of all countries participating in the programme.
Joint Secretariat: The Joint Secretariat provides operational assistance to the Managing Authority, Monitoring Committee, National Authorities and Programme Contact Points and assists, where necessary, the Audit Authority in the performance of their duties. The Joint Secretariat also provides information and support to programme beneficiaries. The Secretariat is established in consultation with the partner countries under the leadership of the Managing Authority. Recruitment takes into account the programme partnership; recruitment procedures follow the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and equal opportunities. The headquarters of the Joint Secretariat is located in Lille, France.